Monday, July 13, 2009

The Hunt

All that appears on the monitor is a solar system in the back ground and a countless data lines supper imposed on top of it. The background keeps swinging around focusing on different points of the solar system.

How hard could it be to find a pilot. It is a marvelously simple concept and yet it somehow continues to fail. I have chased my prey through countless solar systems only to miss her by a second or two. By now she has to know im hunting her but you would think I would still be able to catch her. I guess I should be delighted in that I have found a worthy opponent but all I can think about is how much I want to put her frozen corps into my ships reactor. How dare she run from me, the insult. She is a pod pilot so why won't she give me my fight, ill kill her body but her mind will live on. I have used every tool at my disposal, locater agents in various agency's and on board scanners at the top of the list and yet I still cant seem to catch her in space.

There is a very loud unintelligible scream. From the scream it is readily apparent it is a scream of sevear anger and frustration.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Scent of a women

Not many people know that when I get into a pod I have a slight issue. This issue is both a asset and a liability. In the fight that almost killed me I received a little brain damage. Out side of the pod the injury doesn't show itself due to the location on my brain. Inside the pod the injury becomes very apparent. While one would think moving to a new clone would solve the problem the injury seems to follow. The doctors arn't sure if this is due to some kind of mental issue, which is entirely possible, or some kind of clone fault that causes the damage to be transmitted to the new body. Either way when I get into the pod my temper tends to get a little out of control. The doctors describe it as have a drop factory in my skull.

In pod this is both a good thing and a bad thing. The bad being I have to give my bridge crew specific instructions on how to filter my sensor information. I have to have them filter all freindly ships and stations as well as celestial objects. When I go to dock at a station or use a jump gate my crew have take over after I initiate the warp drive. What that means is they shut down all sensors save the long distance scanners so I cant engage anything. While this may seem like a gigantic handicap it does balance out. When I do go into combat I engage anything that comes up on my sensors. No matter how big or small. I will never willingly break contact with anything that I engage either I die, they die, or they get away. My guns are always firing to maximum effect, like the doctors said I have a drop factory in my skull so my guns are always deadlier than usuall.

You are probably wondering why I am telling you all this. Well as I said I will never willingly break contact with any target. One day I was patrolling in Deathdealer (Megathrone) when I came across a Arbitrator in a astroid belt. I engaged immediately with all do prejudice. I disabled the ships warp core as well as its sub warp engines, at that point I realized something was amiss but I couldn't quite put my fingre on it. Ignoring the feeling and focusing on the target I opened up with my weapon systems and released my drones. It was at that point that I realized what was happening. Though I had severely disabled the ships engines they where still able to move the ship, not enough to out run me and no where near enough for me to not track, it was still able to move. While that caused me no concern seeing how it was usual the fact that my guns couldn't track the ship did. It was at that point that I realized my turrets where being disrupted and where next to worthless. This enraged me to a point that I had never been, "how dare this worthless worm mess with my perfect turrets." I soon thought no matter this worthless worm will still die thanks to my drones, then I saw that three where destroyed and the other two where on their last leg. The ship was deep into structure and venting gases heavily when it finaly destroyed my last drone. At this point my anger at the pilot bordered on the obssesed. "I must kill this pilot no matter what" was al that went through my head.

Over the course of a hour I ramed the ship repeatably or rather attempted to and fired every single piece of ammunition I had in my cargo hold. When all of my ammunition was gone and I had attempted to ram the ship twenty times I receaved a message. Now you might be wondering why I am saying attempted to ram, one would think that a object moving faster than another object could hit it. When that object is more nimble than you are it becomes very difficult to get a good square hit, as a result on the few times I was able to get a hit all I did was dent the hull and cause no further damage. The message I receaved was from the pod pilot of the ship and she was asking me if I was done trying to kill her and her ship. My answere was a thunderous "HELL NO". Not since the day my squadron members died have I wanted to kill somthing so much. The next thrity minutes comprised of me trying to send boarding partys, calls for back up, and more raming.

After that time period my weapon systems shut down, same procedures as when I initiate the warp drive. The only problem was I had done no action. My own crew had taken the initiative to message the female pilot and tell her that they where going to manually shut down the offensive systems so she could get away. After she acknowledged they began the sequence. As a result I could do nothing but watch as the other ship warped away. While my crew had disengaged my weapon systems by causing a fake weapon system overload they didn't disengage my warp drive. I immediately gave chase and right as I jumped out of warp she disappeared from my sensors. Which told me we where either at a gate or a station. My question was answered when my reactor powered down and all of my sensors went into stand by. When I got out of my pod I faced a very frightened brige crew. Several where afraid I would kill them for what they did to me in space.

Fortunetly for them, when I am out of my pod I tend to control my anger. I merely went to the bar and had a few drinks. It was in that bar that I resolved to kill the pilot in space come hell or high water. After I reached that decision I went back to Deathdealer and took it back to base. I then got in a heavy assault cruiser (Spear Tip) and began the process of hunting my prey. My crew has specific instructions to show me nothing but my quarry on my sensors and I will not rest until I find the pilot. Until then my friends I shall not see you because I have to finish what I started. As I said in the begining all engagements will end with me dying, my enemy dieing, or my enemy getting away. Never by me or my crew letting them go.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Some Scars are Best Left Closed

As I sit here in the hook I wonder what my former squad members would have been doing. The men and women under my command that died all those years ago. Very few people know why I have people call me FFEEAARR Incarnate. Each letter represents a member of my squadron. The squadron that was so lethal we were nick named fear. Reason being we were so effective that everyone was afraid to go up against us. We had no fear, we fought like daemons and always placed the mission first. That said we never abandoned a fallen comrade. Whether their ship was incapacitated or the pilot themselves was dead.

They were all killed and I was nearly killed. We were on a standard convoy and got ambushed, we were able to hold off the attackers till the convoy got away but we were unable to disengage and get away. We where all killed, the last thing I remember of that fight was looking at my dead squad members and watching the volley of missiles tear into my incapacitated ship.

Next thing I remember is waking up in a medical wing with tubes attached to various places of my body. After I regained my senses I found out I was the only survivor of my squadron, a relief fleet was sent in and had a hard time getting to our ships due to the large amount of destroyed enemy ships. That news filled me with both pride and sorrow, I was proud of my squadron for inflicting such a heavy toll on the attackers but was sad when I knew that the squadron was no more and would be forgotten and relegated to the pages of history. I was determined to not let that happen and changed my name to FFEEAARR Incarnate.

The remembrance forces a tear to my eye. Each member I loved like they were my brother or sister. After that fight my life went into a downward spiral, I began to drink heavily and used narcotics to the point that I couldn’t tell if the time was a.m. or p.m. let alone what day it was. It wasn’t until one of the squadron members fathers cought me in a bar and basically told me I owed the memory of his son more then just turning into a drunk and drug addict with both words and his fists. It was at that point that I decided to harden up and move on. I gave up the drugs and the alchole for the most part. I still enjoy the occasional drink but very seldom do I drink my self to oblivion.

I resolved to not dewell on how they died but what they were like when they where living. How we would always crack jokes and have a good time. To this day I try to do them honor by showing no fear in any engagement and being as lethal as possible at all times while in space.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guilt By Assciation

As I and a close comrade rush to move all of our gear out of our former home several things went through my mind. The first of which was ‘why?’ Why were Adrastus and I being forced from our corporations that we had served so faithfully? We had been flying with the united for eight months and had never had any problems till about a month ago. About a month ago, Liiza Valora started harassing us because we were talking to people that she didn’t care for. At first it was tolerable; the speeches she would give us were along the lines of “don’t give them any sensitive information.” We were happy to oblige. We never disclosed any information that was critical, let alone corporation related. But then we started to be accused of leaking information, and had to start defending ourselves to other corp members. This was acceptable after we thought we had cleared ourselves in the eyes of our corp members. We thought we had regained their trust in us, even though we never did anything to take away their trust. We just wanted to move on. Then I tried to access the corporation’s divisional storage bays, only to find my thumb print being rejected. I tried for a few minutes, thinking it was just a scanning system glitch, but after several minutes I gave up. I figured the error would correct itself after a while. Liiza approached me as I was walking back to my ship hangar. She began to yell at me at full force about how she thought I was a spy, and I was stripped of all corporation rights. I was all but put under lock down. I stood there in disbelief, why was I being accused of being a spy after eight months of loyal service. Toward the end of her rant, she began to insult and threaten my associates whom she thought I was feeding information. At the end of her rant, she told me I was on a probationary stay only because a few members in the corporation in senior positions didn’t want her to fire me, but give me a second chance. That last bit convinced me to leave immediately. I knew she was only waiting for my expulsion notice to clear the corporation employment record and then I was fair game for any member with a weapon and an itchy trigger finger. As soon as that conversation ended and we departed, I contacted my deckhands and told them to prepare everything for immediate evac. I then contacted my close friend Adrastus and told him of my plans and was surprised when he told me he had the exact same warning from Liiza not more than thirty minutes before she had found me. We began coordinating how we would move our equipment when Adrastus had an epiphany. Where Adrastus planned on going, back into high security space to mine lower valued ore, I was a pirate true and true and couldn’t follow him, either in good conscience or legality. I had a place in mind but wasn’t sure if I would be welcomed. It was at that point that I contacted Vaden and Inara, two old comrades that we had flown with previously. They told me of a system in another low sec pocket and agreed to move my stuff there, on a condition and a price. The condition was we had to move our stuff out of Rancer and into Miroitem. Reason being this was an easier spot for a carrier to jump in and out. So here we are, Adrastus and I moving our stuff out of Rancer as fast and quietly as possible. I just hope our current corp mates don’t notice us leaving.