Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guilt By Assciation

As I and a close comrade rush to move all of our gear out of our former home several things went through my mind. The first of which was ‘why?’ Why were Adrastus and I being forced from our corporations that we had served so faithfully? We had been flying with the united for eight months and had never had any problems till about a month ago. About a month ago, Liiza Valora started harassing us because we were talking to people that she didn’t care for. At first it was tolerable; the speeches she would give us were along the lines of “don’t give them any sensitive information.” We were happy to oblige. We never disclosed any information that was critical, let alone corporation related. But then we started to be accused of leaking information, and had to start defending ourselves to other corp members. This was acceptable after we thought we had cleared ourselves in the eyes of our corp members. We thought we had regained their trust in us, even though we never did anything to take away their trust. We just wanted to move on. Then I tried to access the corporation’s divisional storage bays, only to find my thumb print being rejected. I tried for a few minutes, thinking it was just a scanning system glitch, but after several minutes I gave up. I figured the error would correct itself after a while. Liiza approached me as I was walking back to my ship hangar. She began to yell at me at full force about how she thought I was a spy, and I was stripped of all corporation rights. I was all but put under lock down. I stood there in disbelief, why was I being accused of being a spy after eight months of loyal service. Toward the end of her rant, she began to insult and threaten my associates whom she thought I was feeding information. At the end of her rant, she told me I was on a probationary stay only because a few members in the corporation in senior positions didn’t want her to fire me, but give me a second chance. That last bit convinced me to leave immediately. I knew she was only waiting for my expulsion notice to clear the corporation employment record and then I was fair game for any member with a weapon and an itchy trigger finger. As soon as that conversation ended and we departed, I contacted my deckhands and told them to prepare everything for immediate evac. I then contacted my close friend Adrastus and told him of my plans and was surprised when he told me he had the exact same warning from Liiza not more than thirty minutes before she had found me. We began coordinating how we would move our equipment when Adrastus had an epiphany. Where Adrastus planned on going, back into high security space to mine lower valued ore, I was a pirate true and true and couldn’t follow him, either in good conscience or legality. I had a place in mind but wasn’t sure if I would be welcomed. It was at that point that I contacted Vaden and Inara, two old comrades that we had flown with previously. They told me of a system in another low sec pocket and agreed to move my stuff there, on a condition and a price. The condition was we had to move our stuff out of Rancer and into Miroitem. Reason being this was an easier spot for a carrier to jump in and out. So here we are, Adrastus and I moving our stuff out of Rancer as fast and quietly as possible. I just hope our current corp mates don’t notice us leaving.

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